Seed Store

The DBNPS has approximately 10-12 genetically local, native seed species available for purchase.  All of our seed is hand collected from within the Deschutes and John Day Basins and tested for viability. Please note the that quantity and price of seed species can vary throughout the year depending on seasonal availability.  Payment can be made by check or with Pay Pal.  In order to cover the cost of doing business through PayPal we do add a 3% charge to your order.

If you have any questions, or to place an order, please contact Berta Youtie at [email protected] (541)447-8166 or the Deschutes County Vegetation Manager at (541) 322-7135.


Common nameScientific nameOriginPrice/pound
*Price varies depending on seasonal availability
Basalt milkvetchAstragalus filipesDeschutes Basin$75.00/lbs
Blue wildryeElymus glaucusDeschutes Basin$12.00/lbs
Bluebunch wheatgrassPseudoroegneria spicataDeschutes Basin$12.00/lbs
Bluebunch wheatgrassPseudoroegneria spicataJohn Day Basin$15.00/lbs
Basin wildryeLeymus cinereusDeschutes Basin (Crooked River)$17.50/lbs
Basin wildryeLeymus cinereusJohn Day Basin (Pine Creek - Clarno)$17.50/lbs
Basin wildryeLeymus cinereusMiddle Fork John Day$17.50/lbs
Bottlebrush squirreltailElymus elymoidesDeschutes Basin (Crooked River National Grasslands)$25.00/lbs
Bottlebrush squirreltailElymus elymoidesJohn Day Basin (Murderer's Creek)$25.00/lbs
Hoary asterMachaeranthera canescens NBR$60.00/lbs
Idaho fescueFestuca idahoensisDeschutes Basin$15.00/lbs
Lewis flaxLinum lewisiiColumbia Basin$19.00/lbs
Prairie junegrassKoeleria macranthaDeschutes Basin$16.00/lbs
Sand dropsseedSporobolus cryptandrusMiddle Fork John Day$17.50/lbs
Sandberg's bluegrassPoa secunda
Deschutes Basin$16.00/lbs
Western prairie cloverDalea ornataDeschutes Basin and John Day Basin$90.00/lbs
Western yarrowAchillea millefoliumDeschutes Basin$25.00/lbs